
CPC is a warm Christ Centered, Bible teaching church family that is on mission to our world! Our Mission is timeless and our Vision is all about our hope for the people of Northern Virginia and the world. Read on below to see specifics about these things and learn about our denomination, ECO.


We believe in one sovereign God, Creator of the universe, who eternally exists in three equal persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—the Holy Trinity.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, both fully God and fully human. We believe that he lived a sinless life on earth in perfect obedience to the Father—offering up his life on the Cross as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people. We believe that he rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven where he is seated on the right hand of God as our High Priest and Lord.


We believe that the Holy Spirit is a gift given to all who believe. We believe that the Holy Spirit actively resides in the life of every believer as the source of understanding Scripture, Godly wisdom, strength in tribulation, and guidance in our relationships with God. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer and is actively working to transform us to be more like Christ.


We believe that the Bible, in its original manuscripts, is the inspired and inerrant Word of God—infallible in its teaching and the final authority on all matters of faith and everyday life.


We believe that the church is the gathering of believers who acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Acting as the body of Christ, we believe the church is called to go out and share in the life and person of Jesus Christ. The church, while it is filled with broken and imperfect people, finds healing, hope, and joy in the perfect love of God.


We believe that justification is by faith alone, something that cannot be earned, and through it we are given access to a right standing relationship with God


We believe that salvation and its resulting eternal relationship with God is offered by his grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe salvation is received through faith in Christ, repentance, and not by good works.

Centreville Presbyterian Church is a member of ECO, a Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.